Sunday, January 24, 2010

I Know, It's About Time

So, I know I procrastinate on posting new pictures. Don't think I don't feel horribly guilty every moment that passes that I'm not posting. I can't help it, I'm cursed to being one of those people who needs to move around alot and it's just hard for me to sit down and focus (can't believe I ever kept a prayer journal in college). Anyway, enough of the self-pity, followers' pitty party. Here are some adorable pictures of my family, minus me, doing what they do best..... tickling.

Tim tickles Samuel and Eve watches.......
Okay, so she gets closer and (though you can't see it) has a mischeveous glint in her eye... and Samuel is just in love with her....


Papa tickle kisses.

Here's the proud little man sitting up all by himself for his feet pictures.