Saturday, July 24, 2010


So, the only reason that I know I'm not loosing my entire mind is that I have this empty "See Kai Run" shoe box. In the box, there is supposed to be a brand new pair of shoes that I ordered off the Internet for Samuel. At one point, the box did indeed have shoes in it. And, I can verify that they were on the premises for at least an hour. During that hour, I was letting Eve play with them. Now, they are no where to be found and for the past 2 days I've been going crazy. I think I've looked everywhere at least 5 times. I've made up so many scenario possibilities that I can't tell truth from fiction any more. I've looked in the oven, the freezer, and all the usual places. I HAVE thought that, in a moment of cleaning up panic, I put them somewhere. But, there are only so many places one can put two toddler shoes in a 1400 square foot house.
It's mind boggling. If you find them, please let me know.


  1. So Sarah always kicks her shoes off when she takes them off (if I'm not around to catch her). This means that they go flying and end up in places I would never even think to look in. One time we went to a friend's house and we had to leave with Sarah shoeless. A week later our friends found the missing Croc in their windowsill. Another time I found it behind our chest in the living room. Very frustrating, but not near what you are experiencing. So sorry! Hope they turn up soon. Sic Grammie on them. Maybe she'll find the missing shoes.

  2. Hmmmmm.... on a doll? Under the bathroom sink? (My kids are always under there doing something). God forbid, the trash? Under the deck? Out in the garden? Dirty clothes? Behind the washer and dryer?
    Man, this list could go on and on! Good luck!
