Saturday, May 2, 2009

Samuel's First Week

A few pictures of Samuel to celebrate his one week birthday. Mama isn't writing much more becuase he has his days and nights mixed up and I'm nothing but brain buzz.


  1. He's precious! Rhonda, you look wonderful! and the pictures of Eve below are adorable!

  2. He's so beautiful, what a blessing!

  3. Hey, Rhonda, SO glad to find ur blog and catch up on u and ur fam and luv all the pics. I will add ur blog address to my blog roll so I can keep in touch:) In ur spare time u can check our my blog at . I've got all my gchildren's pics on there...Kelley's 6, Amy's 6, and Todd's 2:) U have some precious glad u all r doing so well. Love to all ur family.
