Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby Bungalow II

Due to the inquiries about the slings, I've decided to give a little more information about ordering and pricing. The slings start at $65 and easily customizable for your taste and budget. Even with the Baby Bungalow Basic Short for $65, you have your choice of 200 colors of Dupioni Silk and 8 choices of sling ring colors.

None of us have as many "special occasion" events as we'd like to wear beautiful fabrics. It is my goal to provide a fabulous silk sling that you can use and admire every day.... and what silk ball gown is this inexpensive, washable, practical, and oh so cozy for the baby?

My 13 month old daughter has loved mine since she was born. Then, she slept in it cradle style, now she sits on my hip.

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